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Top 10: Things That Make Me Feel Super Accomplished (But Probably Shouldn’t)

10-abstract-art-10611331. Bathing my children.
My goal is to do this every other day. I follow the claim that it’s healthier for them to not be bathed every day. Plus, go green! But the truth is, it’s just more convenient to not have that responsibility every day. So on the days that I do get around to scraping my kids clean I feel like Superwoman!

2. Flossing my teeth.
It’s taken me years to adopt this habit. Literally, years. I’m not proud of this fact. But these days, I religiously I floss my teeth every single morning. And then I pat myself on the back for being super-dee-duper accomplished.

3. Putting clothes in the washer or dryer and pressing a button.
Mmmmhmmmm. That’s right. Tossing filthy clothing into a big machine along with a tablet of soap, shutting the lid and pushing a button makes me feel like I’ve just accomplished a big feat. I haven’t. But just let me enjoy that fleeting feeling.

4. Emptying the dishwasher.
Sure, it does take some energy to empty the dishwasher. But I probably feel too much pride after putting the dishes (that a machine worked hard to clean) away.

5. Cleaning the kitchen island.
There is just something about having that chunk of countertop real estate completely free of clutter that makes me feel like my entire life is in order.

6. Sweeping under the kitchen stools.
You wouldn’t think that a few crumbs kinda hidden under some bar stools would be so obnoxious, but it drives me insane in the membrane. Truth be told, the “few crumbs” I am referring to usually could unite to create an entire tube of crackers. But still. One simple swipe of a broom and I feel like I can accomplish anything!

7. My daily devotion.
Let’s be honest, my Bible reading takes all of less than 1 minute. But it’s the first minute of my entire day. I do it before my feet even hit my plush carpeted floor. And with a 60-second reading and some reflection on God’s Word I feel more ready to tackle my day!

8. Booking a sitter.
One of my least favorite things about parenting is the regular need to schedule childcare. (And yes, date nights are a need.) Childcare is a pain. Yet when I successfully find a trusted sitter that’s available when I need, I am beyond thrilled and dreaming about said upcoming kid-free event!

9. Clipping my kids’ (or my own) nails.
How the heck do those dead cells grow so quickly? Seriously, God?! It’d been great if you’d made that a once-a-year task. Just sayin’.

10. Retrieving the mail.
Not sure why but walking out to my curb to check the mail just seems more overwhelming than it actually is. Kudos to you rockstars that drive to retrieve mail from a p.o. box. I can barely walk the 20 feet outside my front door! And yes, I feel ridiculously accomplished after having done it. Or sent a kid to get it.

I admit it, several of these things just seem ridiculous. Ok, all of them do. But life just looks different with littles constantly under your feet. Things that were complete 30 seconds ago are now back on my to-do list, so I relish that accomplished feeling when I get the chance. So tell me, what are the things on your Things That Make Me Feel Super Accomplished (But Probably Shouldn’t) list?

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