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Here’s a little bit about me…

I love writing. And I am pursing a long-time dream of a career as a writer – everything from children’s literature to personal growth books, social media posts to blog posts, and everything in between.

I love advertising. I got my master’s in advertising from UIUC and taught advertising and PR classes at Parkland College. But [gasp] I won’t let my kids watch commercials.

I love surprises. I mean, really, really love them. Whether they are for me or someone else, it is ridiculously important to me that the surprise gets pulled off.

I love my husband. At the young age of 17, he stole my heart with his looks, his sense of humor, and a bible verse. After 21 years of marriage, he still makes me swoon.

I love summertime. Every single second of it. The sunshine. The grilled food. The top down. The DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince ditty.

I love confetti. I own dozens of different types of the celebratory sprinkles and I regularly slip it into cards. Our wedding invitations were even stuffed with tiny, metallic silver and navy hearts.

I love Mexico. The food is delicious.  The people are the absolute best in the world.  And it’s summa-summa-summatime there year-round which is muy bueno!

I love Jesus. Not in a cliché “Jesus loves you” kinda way. (Though He does.) But in a deeply passionate way. That guy’s a world-changer. I’m moved and inspired by Him daily.

I love my kiddos. They truly own my heart. Plus they make everything funnier. And more fun. Except for the things they make way way less fun. [Smirk.]

I love 90’s hip hop. Dre. Snoop. Cube. Those are my peeps. Spin one of their jams and I cannot help but dance. And rap. Badly, but with abandon.

I love new experiences. Whether it’s traveling to an unfamiliar city, flying through the air on a trapeze, or goat yoga, I’m game. Life’s short and I wanna experience everything!

I love connecting with women. Are you pretty much a pro rapper like me? Holla! Do you prefer Hawaii over Mexico? Give me your best travel suggestions! Is mom guilt a real thing in your world? Share your struggles with me. I am here for all. of. it.